9 South Vapes

9 South Vapes
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Showing posts with label atty. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2013

Guide to Rebuildable Atomizers!


                  rebuildable atomizers, atomizer, vape, vapor cigarette, atty, rebuildable tank atomizers

Many people have recently heard about the new trend in vaping, and that is rebuildable atomizers aka “rba” or “rda”. What is a rebuildable atomizer? Simply put, it is an atomizer composed of two pieces made of stainless steel or another form of metal, a “deck” or a “base”, and a “top cap”. On the bottom of the deck, there is a native 510 connection, and on top there are generally two posts, a negative post and a positive post. Through these two posts you attach either kanthal or nichrome resistance wire by threading the wire through the holes located on the previously mentioned positive and negative posts. The top cap has an air hole drilled on the side, unlike conventional atomizers having the air hole located on the 510 connection. The top cap is held on by o-rings so that you can adjust the amount of vapor, and throat hit delivered from your coil.